Free to enjoy your food


Celiac disease is a chronic inflammation of the small intestine, triggered by the ingestion of gluten, affecting those genetically predisposed and distinguished by a highly varied clinical picture.
Gluten, the causal factor of the illness, is a protein complex composed of two proteins, gliadin and glutenin, which are found in wheat and in other cereals, such as emmer, barley, rye, oats, etc. Gluten causes a toxic reaction in the intestine that forms deep wounds in the walls of the intestine, obstructing the absorption of nutrients.
A gluten-free diet is the only possible treatment, which will cure the symptoms but will not eliminate predisposition to the illness.

Choosing Granoro GlutenFree pasta means:

-         Being free to enjoy your food

-         Making sure your body receives the right amount of important nutrients

-         Knowing you are eating a safe product

How can I identify Granoro GlutenFree products?

The logo issued by the Ministry of Health is a guarantee for consumers: it identifies a gluten-free product that has been registered with the Ministry of Health as a gluten-free dietary product and has completed the approval procedure set forth in Legislative Decree 111/92.
Registered products are included in an Italian Register of Gluten-Free Foods and can be provided free of charge by the National Health Service in Italy.
This right is extended to all those with gluten intolerance, subject to diagnosis in accordance with that set for in the Ministerial Decree of 2001.

The choice of Granoro GlutenFree ingredients


  • rich in fibre
  • rich in mineral salts  
  • low in sodium
  • contains A and B-group Vitamins
  • contains antioxidants such as carotenoids
  • source of thiamine
  • gluten free
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  • very low lipid content
  • rich in potassium
  • low in sodium
  • few proteins, with high biological value
  • higher lysine content compared to wheat
  • more digestible than pasta
  • more filling than pasta
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  • extremely nourishing
  • contains a considerable amount of protein (between 12 and 18%)
  • contains proteins of high biological value
  • is a good source of FIBRE: both soluble, and insoluble
  • contains a high amount of essential fatty acids  
  • contains omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids
  • rich in vitamins: vitamin B2, folic acid and vitamin B1
  • excellent source of vitamin E
  • rich in magnesium, phosphorous and potassium, but also calcium and iron
  • a good source of antioxidants
  • contains flavonoids
  • gluten free
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Granoro GlutenFree Products


A well-balanced recipe made with rice flour, corn flour (white and yellow) and quinoa flour!

Quinoa has been chosen to redress the balance, from a nutritional point of view, in relation to the nutrients provided by rice and corn, to produce a pasta that does much more than just eliminate gluten!

The pasta has a typical corn fragrance and taste, toned down by the rice flour, with the quinoa adding a vegetable note.

Combining the three flours adds colour, firmness and flavour, without having to compromise on the taste of traditional pasta. The roughness of the surface allows sauces to bind well.


Granoro GlutenFree lasagne is made using only corn and rice flour, so you can still enjoy this traditional Italian dish.

A perfectly drawn sheet of pasta, with the same flavour and appearance as traditional lasagne and the right porosity, allowing it to trap the sauce perfectly.


Granoro GlutenFree Gnocchi have a delicate flavour and are distinguished by excellent firmness and consistency.

They are quick and easy to prepare, just tip them into boiling, lightly salted water and drain when they come to the surface. Ready in two minutes, they can be served with all types of sauces.


Corn flour has played an important part in the history of the Italian diet (it has long since been used to make polenta) and the underlying culture has led to some producers selecting fine varieties of corn for the gluten-free market too, varieties that have specific and distinctive qualities, well defined flavours and reasonably high protein levels. The flour produced by milling the grains of corn has a delicate fragrance, bringing to mind the smell of wet straw, combined with a decidedly sweet flavour.

Various varieties of corn are available, in addition to the yellow corn flour used to prepare dishes such as polenta, white corn flour can also be produced by milling a particular variety of corn that is naturally white (because it does not contain carotenoids, responsible for yellow/red colour) and is almost identical in taste to yellow corn flour.

Properties of corn:

  • rich in starch, which provides most of the kilocalories it contains
  • contains a large amount of fibre, which slows down sugar absorption and helps keep down blood sugar levels
  • contains less calories than other cereals such as wheat and rice
  • contains less calories than other cereals such as wheat and rice
  • rich in mineral salts such as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous and potassium and is low in salt
  • contains A and B group vitamins, which give it an antioxidant effect (good for healthy skin and sight), vitamin E and vitamin PP
  • contains antioxidants such as carotenoids, in particular zeaxanthin (typically found in corn)
  • source of thiamine (vitamin B1), which helps maintain healthy activity of the brain cells involved
  • the vitamin B12 and folic acid contained in corn help protect against anaemia caused by iron deficiency
  • gluten free


Rice is undoubtedly one of the most popular gluten-free products in the world, it is grown everywhere and to grow well it needs plenty of water and a humid climate.

In western culture, rice flour has a decidedly limited use in cooking compared to wheat, however because it is completely gluten free, it is becoming ever more popular as an ingredient in gluten-free foods.

Properties of rice

  • its grains contain mostly starch
  • it contains a limited amount of protein (7%), which means it cannot form gluten and it is very difficult to make rice pasta with it
  • the organic value of the protides is slightly higher compared to that of wheat protein; it contains a higher amount of lysine, which is the limiting essential amino acid found in cereals
  • very low lipid content
  • very low fibre content
  • rich in potassium
  • low in sodium
  •  easier to digest than pasta because its starch is composed of small granules and it does not cause postprandial somnolence
  • very filling because the starch absorbs water whilst cooking, making it triple in weight, thus making it less calorific and more filling than pasta
  • gluten free


Quinoa is a plant that grows on the Andes, up to 4,200 metres above sea level, even in extreme conditions. It has very similar characteristics to oats, barley, wheat, etc., however it is NOT a graminaceous plant, it is a herbaceous plant that produces small seeds.

It belongs to the Chenopodiaceae family (the same as beets) and is therefore considered a pseudocereal.

It has been nicknamed the “super cereal of the Incas”, thanks to its exceptional qualities (such that FAO, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation, has identified it as playing a key role in achieving world food security).

Properties of Quinoa:

  • extremely nourishing
  • a source of starch, just like cereals
  • its calorie content is mainly derived from complex carbohydrates
  • contains a considerable amount of protein (between 12 and 18% ) and one of the main characteristics of quinoa is that the proteins it contains are superior to those contained in other cereals as in comparison they contain very few prolamins: proteins that are toxic to those suffering from celiac disease
  • contains proteins with a high biological value thanks to their amino acid composition, which is mainly due to the high LYSINE content, an essential amino acid not normally found in high amounts in cereals. Quinoa contains almost twice the amount of lysine found in wheat, corn and rice
  • is a good source of FIBRE: both soluble, useful for controlling the glycemic index and reducing cholesterol, and insoluble,  important for controlling intestinal function
  • contains a high amount of essential fatty acids. Linoleic acid is one of the most abundant polyunsaturated fatty acids found in quinoa and has various positive effects on cardiovascular diseases
  • contains fatty acids  Omega-6  and  Omega-3, which are essential because they cannot be produced artificially and must therefore be ingested from foods we eat
  • rich in vitamins: riboflavin (vitamin B2), folic acid and thiamine (vitamin B1)
  • excellent source of vitamin E, the most important antioxidising vitamin
  • rich in MINERAL SALTS, mainly magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, but also calcium and iron, which are usually lacking in gluten-free products
  • a good source of antioxidants, which help fight against cell ageing and make it a good agent for eliminating free radicals
  • contains flavonoids: quercetin and kaempferol, molecules that have anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antitumor effects
  • its characteristics make it helpful for weight loss, because it has a low glycemic index.
  • it is an alkalizing food with beneficial effects because it reduces the acidity created by a diet rich in animal protein, which prevents cancerous diseases of the digestive tract and colon
  • gluten free


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